
Graduate Surplus Alarms CIPD

/ 19th August 2015 /

A new CIPD report on UK’s graduate over-qualification problem reveals an increasing number of graduates working in non-graduate jobs, due to a lack of high-skilled jobs.

The consequences are that employers are using degrees as a requirement for jobs that would have been non-graduate roles in the past, leading to non-graduates missing out, and graduates working in roles that have nothing to do with their degree.

The CIPD report reveals the UK as having the largest percentage of graduates in non-graduate roles. The figures taken from 2010 show the UK to have 58.8% of graduates in non-graduate roles. Ireland had 37%.

In an Economic and Social Research Institute study published in 2015, Ireland was found to have the highest rate of ‘over-education’ in Europe. An estimated 33% had more qualifications than their jobs required. Spain had 30% and Germany 18%.

Graduates unable to pay student loans

In the UK, students also graduate with debt from student loans. Peter Cheese, chief executive of the CIPD said: “This situation is unsustainable given that the government estimates that 45% of university graduates will not earn enough to repay their student loans.” The saturation of graduates in non-graduate roles also pushes non-graduate workers out of those positions.

In Association with

Cheese added: “The assumption that we will transition to a more productive, higher value, higher skilled economy just by increasing the conveyor belt of graduates is proven to be flawed. Simply increasing the qualification level of individuals going into a job does not typically result in the skill required to do the job being enhanced – in many cases that skills premium, if it exists at all, is simply wasted.”

The need for debate

“We need to start a debate about how to generate more high-skilled jobs which means organisations investing more in developing their leadership and management capability, building more progression routes and improving work organisation and job design so that people’s ideas and skills are used more effectively in the workplace.”

Comparing the UK figures with countries with a strong history of vocational training, such as Germany and the Netherlands (both 10%), suggests there may be value in re-examining the education system and placing emphasis on different ways of training.

According to CIPD, governments need to examine how they can generate more high-skilled jobs for graduates. Springboard courses were set up in Ireland to provide free courses in seven skills areas where there are employment opportunities.

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