
What Is The Law Relating To Drones?

/ 22nd August 2018 /

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The aviation industry will benefit from new EU-wide rules for civil drones, writes Christine O'Donovan in Mason Hayes & Curran

The market for civil drones is evolving fast. Civilian drones, as unmanned aircraft vehicles, can potentially be used to deliver mail, inspect oil platforms at sea, monitor livestock in mountainous areas, assist with the visual evaluation of environmental damage, aid search and rescue, and for recreational purposes.

Drones can also provide an aerial view of property that may be inaccessible or extremely difficult to navigate. Drone use will become a more essential component of the next generation of logistics.

Research suggests that the rapidly-developing drone sector will create more than 150,000 new jobs by 2050, which could amount to 10% of the EU's aviation market (about €15 billion a year) in 10 years. Therefore, the operational and technical rules need to be developed in order to ensure that civil drones can operate in harmony with commercial air transport.

Drones need to be integrated among normally piloted aircraft without affecting the safety and the operation of the whole aviation system, and within a regulatory framework that facilitates the implementation of an operation-centric, proportionate, risk- and performance-based system.†

Earlier this summer, NASA's remotely piloted drone successfully flew its first mission in US airspace without a safety chase aircraft. The worldís first passenger drone was unveiled in China as potentially part of the solution to its traffic congestion.

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In June 2018, the European Council adopted new aviation safety rules, which include a revised mandate for the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the first ever EU-wide rules for civil drones of all sizes. The regulation on EU civil aviation safety covers all key areas of aviation and sets out a division of tasks between the EU and national authorities.

European Aviation Safety Agency

EASA issued an opinion on 6 February 2018 that outlined the proposed regulatory framework. The measures are designed to mitigate the risk of operating drones through a combination of limitations, operational rules, requirements for the competency of the remote pilot and technical requirements for the drones.

Currently, EASA is responsible for drones over 150kg within the EU. Drones lighter than 150kg fall under the jurisdiction of national authorities, such as the Irish Aviation Authority. Therefore, manufacturers and operators of smaller drones are subject to a variety of national safety rules across the EU.

National legislation does not benefit from mutual recognition and does not allow for EU-wide activities. This means that key safeguards are not being applied in a coherent way, which has led to inconsistent standards across the EU.

EU Council – New Rules On Drones

The new regulation will, when implemented, enable drones of all sizes to fly safely in EU airspace and will bring legal certainty for drone operators and manufacturers. The focus of new rules is to ensure respect for EU citizensí safety and privacy in the areas of personal data, personal property and the environment. These considerations have to be balanced against commercial benefits of increased drone use.

There will also be rules on noise and emissions generated by drones, while higher-risk drone operations will require certification. Drones presenting the lowest risk will simply need to conform to normal EU market surveillance legislation. Drone operators must also be registered if they operate drones that can transfer more than 80 joules of kinetic energy upon impact with a person.†

Extension Of EASA's Mandate

The new regulation will extend EASA's mandate to safety-related aspects of security, such as cybersecurity, and to the protection of the environment. It establishes a framework for the pooling of aviation inspectors and other specialists to support EU member states in the tasks of certification, oversight and enforcement.

The new regulation extends beyond the regulation of drones. It seeks to update the EU safety legislation for aviation to maintain the EUís high level of safety, while ensuring that the rules are proportionate and relevant to the expected increase in air traffic in the coming decades.


The regulation is expected to become law in the Autumn of 2018. As civil aviation evolves towards more automation, drone technology will be crucial for the competitiveness of the EU aerospace industry. Establishing harmonised regulations for commercial drones is likely to have a positive impact and the new measures will bring legal certainty for a rapidly growing industry.

• Christine O'Donovan is Head of International Asset Finance with Mason Hayes & Curran 



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