
Fuel costs rocketing and experts fear worse to come

/ 8th April 2022 /
Christian McCashin

Thousands of families are facing a massive shock on their home heating bills as fuel costs rocket.

In just a month, a 1,000 litre tank fill-up of home heating oil has risen by almost 60%, figures from the Central Statistics Office show.

That pushes up the price of filling a tank by €443 to €1,200. Over the past year, home heating oil has more than doubled in price, adding €671 in total to the cost. This fuel is used in about 700,000 homes nationwide, mostly in rural areas which are not on the gas network.

Kevin McPartlan, chief of the industry group Fuels for Ireland, said: "The influence of Ukraine is being felt on this, but if things remain as they are, you should have a bit of stability now on fuel prices." However, he warned: "The risk is if things don't remain as they are because Putin decides to stop supplying. That shock of the almost 60% increase in a month, the CSO figures caught the absolute peak of prices."

The sharp increase was caused by a combination of the oil price increase on international markets and customers buying now to avoid future price rises.

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"The difficulty was, any sensible person who thinks: 'I'm going to have to fill up my tank' will try and do it today or else tomorrow if they think prices are going up that quickly. Whatever about petrol and diesel prices, home heating oil was even more dramatic," Mr McPartlan added.

fuel costs
In just a month, a 1,000 litre tank fill-up of home heating oil has risen by almost 60%, figures from the Central Statistics Office show.

A spokesman for price comparison site Cheapest Oil said: "Distributors are having problems getting oil. The volatility in price means they can't sell you heating oil they haven't bought yet as they don't know how much they will have to pay for that heating oil.

"As a result, many distributors are limiting quantities that can be ordered, removing online ordering and, in some cases, taking their websites completely offline in a rush to avoid taking orders that would cost them money."

The spokesman added: "This is not a localised issue. We monitor heating oil prices in Northern Ireland and across 11 states in America and are seeing exactly the same patterns."

It comes as Flogas, which has around 35,000 customers, became the latest energy firm to announce a price hike, raising average annual gas bills by more than €400 to €1,893 and electricity by more than €500 to €2,508. It said the "escalating geo-political situation is adding to the pressures already existing in the Irish and European energy markets". The company said prices have remained high and are increasingly volatile, with "little sign of improvement in the medium term".

Flogas Energy boss Paul Kenny said: "All Irish energy suppliers are faced with the same rising wholesale cost increases. While we have worked hard to minimise and delay price changes during the winter months, we now regrettably need to reflect the increased costs in our prices."

Daragh Cassidy, of price comparison site, said: "Flogas also increased its gas and electricity prices four times in 2021. When all price increases over the past year or so are taken into account, Flogas customers will be paying over €2,200 more for their gas and electricity each year."

He added: "This news had been expected given the skyrocketing cost of gas on wholesale markets.

"Flogas has also announced significant increases to the daily standing charge for gas and electricity customers. Customers will now be hit with a standing charge of over €380 a year for electricity and around €250 a year for gas - a significant sum to pay before you've even turned on the heat or the kettle."

He also warned that more price hikes in the coming months can't be ruled out.

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