
January record for wind power despite delays in new wind farms

Wind Power
/ 8th February 2023 /
George Morahan

Approximately 41% of Ireland's electricity was generated by Irish wind farms last month, an increase of 9% year-on-year, according to new figures from Wind Energy Ireland.

Wind farms produced 1,479 gigawatt-hours of electricity in January, up 20GWh on the previous January best, and the seventh-best month on record for wind power.

The power produced by wind last month was equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of around 320,000 Irish families.

Wind Energy Ireland CEO Noel Cunniffe described the performance of wind energy as "strong," adding that it had built on the final quarter of 2022 when wind became Ireland's top source of electricity.

He warned, however, that planning delays were slowing the delivery of new wind farms, and that the country had "no hope" of meeting 2030 emissions targets without government investment in the planning system.

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"Projects are spending more than a year waiting for decisions on applications for planning permission," Cunniffe said.

“We have no hope of reaching our 2030 targets without a functioning planning system and to do that we urgently need to see massive investment in An Bord Pleanála, the National Parks & Wildlife Service and key environmental NGOs to ensure applications can be quickly assessed and decided on.

Wind Power
January was a record month for consumption of electricity generated by Irish wind farms.

“The pipeline of projects is there, the investment is there, but everything is slowed down by an under-resourced planning system that is completely unfit for purpose.”

The average wholesale price of electricity in January was €162.16, down more than a hundred euro from December’s average of €276.52, but still far higher than before the fossil fuel energy crisis.

Prices fell even further on days with the most wind power when the average cost of a megawatt-hour of electricity was €133.69, rising to €196.41 on days when the country had to rely on fossil fuels.

“Irish wind farms protect consumers every day by pushing expensive gas generators off the system and reducing our dependency on imported fossil fuels," Cunniffe said.

“But our families, communities and businesses will remain vulnerable to extreme electricity prices while we are forced to depend on imported fossil fuels.

“The quicker we can build wind farms and reinforce the electricity grid, the more we can do to help consumers.”

The results of this report are based on EirGrid’s SCADA data compiled by MullanGrid and on market data provided by ElectroRoute.

(Pic: Getty Images)

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