
Range Of Responses To Remote Work Consultation

/ 20th August 2021 /
Ed McKenna

Individual workers, businesses and others submitted 175 responses to the government’s consultation on remote working and the right to request it, according to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Earlier this year the department published its first National Remote Work Strategy, to make remote and blended working a bigger part of life after the pandemic, with a commitment in the strategy is to introduce a new law giving workers the right to request to remote work.

At present employees can ask their employers for the right to work remotely, but there is no legal framework around which a request can be made and how it should be dealt with by the employer. This new law will set out how these requests should be facilitated.

The key points raised in submissions are published today in a report from the department, and include:

  • the timeframe for replying to requests to work remotely
  • the length of service, if any, an employee should have before being entitled to work remotely
  • health and safety and equipment required for remote working
  • reasonable grounds of refusal of a request to work remotely
  • how to manage changes in any arrangement agreed between workers and employers.

Enterprise minister Leo Varadkar (pictured) commented: "Because of the pandemic, a lot of people are required to work from home. After the pandemic, people should have a choice, so long as the work gets done and business and service needs are met.

In Association with

"The intention is to introduce a mechanism for employees to request remote working that is fair to workers but does not place an undue burden on employers. This new legislation will be a priority in the new Dáil term.”

Along with engagement from trade unions and industry representatives, submissions were also received from businesses, political parties and individual workers.

Apart from providing a framework within which the right to work remotely will operate, the government says it is out to facilitate this through its National Remote Working Strategy, and has committed to several actions to do so this year, including to:

  • introduce a legally admissible code of practice on the right to disconnect from work – covering phone calls, emails and switch-off time, as published in April
  • invest in remote work hubs, ensuring they are in locations that suit commuters and are close to childcare facilities
  • explore the acceleration of the National Broadband Plan
  • review the treatment of remote working for the purposes of tax and expenditure in the next Budget
  • lead by example, by mandating that home and remote working should be the norm for 20% of public sector employees.

The summary report on submissions on a Right to Request Remote Work can be found here.

Pic: Julien Behal

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