Tesco Ireland has announced plans to process some of its food surplus to create renewable gas, which the retailer will then buy back to power several of its stores. The initiative involves Kildare renewable energy provider Green Generation and Gas Networks Ireland.
Based in Nurney, Green Generation processes pig manure and food waste for biogas, which is used as fuel in a Combined Heat & Power (CHP) unit. The output of the CHP is green, renewable electricity that can be sold into the National Grid.
Tesco explained that its food surplus will still be given firstly to food charity partner FoodCloud or to colleagues free of charge. Any remaining food will then be processed by Green Generation and fed into the gas network in Kildare.
Tesco will then purchase the renewable gas outputs from energy supplier Naturgy. As a result of the new initiative, Tesco hopes to reduce its carbon emissions by 1,200 tonnes per annum.
Kari Daniels (pictured), CEO of Tesco Ireland, said that the partnership with Green Generation aligns with the retailer’s sustainability plans. “This new initiative will help us in our ambition to become a zero-carbon retailer by 2050.” Tesco has maintained zero food waste to landfill since 2009.
Green Generation will ship the gas to the supply network through a renewable gas entry point in Cush, which became fully operational in May. The entry point was installed by Gas Networks Ireland and can supply renewable gas to around 11,000 homes once it is flowing at full capacity.
“Cush is Ireland’s first dedicated renewable gas entry point and it now joins Corrib and Kinsale as being an indigenous fuel supply point,” said Denis O’Sullivan, managing director of Gas Networks Ireland.
“Natural gas currently represents 30% of the country's primary energy mix and powers on average approximately 50% of Ireland’s electricity generation.”
Green Generation invested €2.5m in its conversion plant at Nurney to process waste into carbon-neutral gas. Director Billy Costello said that he was proud to be developing the new green energy.
“We have been generating energy from waste for a number of years and know that renewable gas can not only solve our energy issues, but it can also help deliver a truly sustainable circular economy, by harnessing food and animal waste to deliver clean energy.”